Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Photographs from the Trip

I've now finished putting together a website containing some of my favorite photographs from the trip. You can access the site here. The photographs are divided into groups -- they really kind of sorted themselves out: People, People at Work, Streets, Signs, Facades (doors and windows), Mosques, Temples, and Villages.


sylvia chard said...

Paul, these are wonderful photographs. Did you ever find that people were sensitive about having their photos taken? Or were you just careful to respect any who appeared reluctant to be photographed?

Also, what kind of camera did you use? I am interested in the photography as I do a lot myself and I am going to India with EduRetreat in November. I have an unobtrusive Sony Cybershot and a larger and better Canon Powershot. I'm not sure which to take or should I take both?

Paul Jay said...

Thanks, Sylvia, that's nice to hear. Many of my photographs of people were taken with their express or tacit knowledge or cooperation, some others weren't and there were times I was tempted to take a shot but didn't because it didn't feel right. As the trip went on I got more and more comfortable taking shots of people when they weren't aware. There's of course a long history of discussion about the ethical nature of this practice. I follow my own instincts. If a subject seems uncomfortable I take a pass.

I used an Olympus digital SLR (E-Volt 500). It's a big camera to lug around, but look at the results. I wouldn't hesitate to take it again. You need a wide angle lens, and you need a zoom lens. I was amazed at some of the shots (like the three elephants on the street) I took through the window of a careening van with my zoom lens in sports mode, for example (to stop the movement). Taking two cameras is an option, I suppose (my wife had her pocket camera which I sometimes used for snapshots). But if you're really serious about photography I'd say the SLR is the only way to go.